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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planning Committee

8 January 2025


Planning Appeals Report – V1.0 ISSUED


Appeals Started between 28 November 2024 – 19 December 2024


Case Ref & Address

Date Started


Appeal Ref & Nature



4 Sandhills Meadow Shepperton TW17 9HY


Written Representation


Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a replacement bungalow with accommodation in the roof



56 Ruggles Brise Road Ashford TW15 3LF


Fast Track Appeal


Erection of a first floor side/rear extension.



Appeal Decisions Made between 28 November 2024 – 19 December 2024


Case Ref & Address

Date Started


Appeal Ref & Nature


Decision Date




2 And 4 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB


Written Representation


Retrospective application for the retention of existing roof alteration comprising ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer (As shown on plans: HP 5410 ISSUE A1 SH1; HP 5411 ISSUE A1 SH1; HP 5656 ISSUE B SH1; ISSUE B1 SH2; ISSUE B SH3; ISSUE B SH4; ISSUE B SH5; ISSUE B1 SH6 and Location Plan received 26.01.2023)

Appeal Allowed


The main issue is the impact on the character of the area.


The Inspector states that when viewed from Loudwater Road, the changes to the main roof are readily apparent and have added greatly to the scale and bulk of the roof. However, the Inspector states this is not harmful to the street scene, as the development becomes screened by other properties when viewed from a short distance away. The Inspector notes that given the properties are set between higher properties in Halliford Road and the higher roof of No 6, neither the increase in pitch nor height has an adverse effect. Therefore, the Inspector concludes that the alterations do not harm the character and appearance of the area, with only limited harm to the host dwellings that is not significant enough to justify refusing permission, and finds the development accords with Policy EN1 and the aims of the SPD.



9 And 11 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB


Written Representation


Retrospective application for the retention of existing roof alteration comprising ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer.

Appeal Allowed


The Inspector considered the dormers to be centrally located, with a roof compatible with the main roof and, ‘although undoubtedly large, not to  be over-dominant or out of proportion’.   Furthermore, the Inspector found some limited harm to the appearance of the host dwellings, but considered ‘it is not so significant as to justify refusing planning permission. I find, therefore, that it displays a standard of design that accords with the terms of Policy EN1’.



11 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB




Appeal against serving of an Enforcement Notice. The carrying out on the land of building, engineering, mining, or other operations in particular the ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer without planning permission.

Appeal Allowed


The Inspector issued one Decision notice for all 4 properties as the cases were so similar – 2,4,9,11 Loudwater Road, 2 pairs of semi-detached dwellings.  The Inspector stated that the main issue in all of the enforcement appeals was the effect of the development on the character and appearance of the area.  The Inspector also confirmed that the roof alterations were not permitted development due to the ridge height increase. 

However, the Inspector considered that there was considerable variety in the appeal sites’ more immediate surroundings with a variety of built form and lack of uniformity.  The Inspector found that the increase in the pitch and height of the roof, together with the change from hip to gable end, was not harmful to the street scene.  He concluded that there was some limited harm to the appearance of the host dwellings, but this was not so significant as to justify refusing planning permission. And found, therefore, that it displayed a standard of design that accords with the terms of Policy EN1 of the Council’s ‘Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document’, adopted 26 February 2009 and the aims of the SPD.  The 4 enforcement appeals were allowed but the applications for costs were dismissed.



9 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB




Appeal against serving of an Enforcement Notice. The carrying out on the land of building, engineering, mining, or other operations in particular the ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer without planning permission.

Appeal Allowed


Please see 21/00393/ENF above.



4 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB




Appeal against serving of an Enforcement Notice. The carrying out on the land of building, engineering, mining, or other operations in particular the ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer without planning permission.

Appeal Allowed


Please see 21/00393/ENF above.



2 Loudwater Road Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6DB




Appeal against serving of an Enforcement Notice. The carrying out on the land of building, engineering, mining, or other operations in particular the ridge height increase, hip to gable roof alteration and rear facing dormer without planning permission.

Appeal Allowed


Please see 21/00393/ENF above.



Tower House Chertsey Road Shepperton


Written Representation


Removal of condition 4 (permitted development rights) relating to planning permission PA/01/0224      


As shown on the site location plan and supporting planning statement received 04.03.2024.

Appeal Dismissed


The Inspector concluded that the imposition of condition 4 to restrict permitted development rights was reasonable and necessary so that the Council could assess the impact of proposals so as to prevent harmful developments in regard to Flooding and Green Belt.



11 Scotts Way Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 7JQ


Written Representation


Conversion of existing dwelling into two houses. As shown on location plan and plan no's 01. 02, 03, 04, 05 (existing and proposed roof plan), 05 (proposed site plan) and 06 rec'd 13.03.2024.

Appeal Dismissed



Current/Future Hearings/Inquiries


Case Ref & Address

Date Started


Appeal Ref & Nature


Decision Date




Land South East Of The Ranges (addressed As 1A Priory Stables) Chertsey Road




Change of use of the land for the stationing of 6 mobile static homes for Gypsy / Traveller occupation, with associated hard and soft landscaping, parking and roadway.


As shown on plan no.'s 2023-1338v3-Mobile received 19.02.2024; amended site location plan 2023-1338v3-Location received 02.04.2024; amended plan 2023-1338v3-Block received 02.04.2024.



Hearing date set for 12 February 2025.



The Paddocks, 235A Hithermoor Road, Stanwell Moor




Removal of conditions 2 (temporary consent) and 3 (personal permission) of planning application ref 19/01372/FUL for the material change of use of hay-barn and feed room, including dayroom and toilet facilities, to a single dwelling house and retention of 3 loose box, stable feed store and tack room as shown on site location plan received on 15 November 2023.



December 2024 hearing date was cancelled.  No new date has been agreed yet.



Stanwell Farm Bedfont Road Stanwell




Appeal against the serving of an Enforcement Notice. Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land to use as a Builders Merchant (sui generis)  Without planning permission, the erection of a warehouse building (the approx location of which is shown with an X and hatched in black on the attached plan). Without planning permission, the erection of two structures (the approx location of which are shown with a Y and Z and hatched in red and blue respectively on the attached plan).